

The RADIUS server returned these authorization values for the user with userName on the indicated port: Access Level ("Read-Write", "Read-only", "Framed" or "unknown"), Tunnel Type ("none", "vlan" or "unknown"), Tunnel Medium ("none", "802" or "unknown"), Tunnel Group Id (vlan identifier), Session Timeout (session timeout value in seconds) Idle Timeout (idle timeout value in seconds), FilterId (Policy FilterId), VrName (VR to use for dynamically created vlans), and NSI Type/ID (used for Dynamic VxLan). This message indicates that these attributes and their respective values were returned from the RADIUS server but does not guarantee that the authenticating agent will use them.


No action required - Informational message only.



Message Text

Authorization values for %user%(userName '%userName%') on port %port%: Access level - %accessLevel%, Tunnel Type - %tunnelType%, Tunnel Medium - %tunnelMedium%, Tunnel Group Id - %tunnelGroupId%, Session Timeout - %sessionTimeout%, Idle Timeout - %idleTimeout%, FilterId: %filterId%. VrName: %vrName% NsiType: %nsiType% NsiId: %nsiId%

Message Parameters

Name Type
user AccountName
userName AccountName
port SlotPort
accessLevel String
tunnelType String
tunnelMedium String
tunnelGroupId uInt32
sessionTimeout uInt32
idleTimeout uInt32
filterId String
vrName String
nsiType uInt32
nsiId uInt32